You have completed your book and we are committed to promoting it.
This is the term that characterises the way you propose yourself and your project, in this case, the book. You can do this in a professional manner, i.e. supported by experts from digital web that offer you a wide range of possibilitiestailored to your needs, or you can try to do it on your own, without a thorough knowledge of the market and its logic of visibility and profit.
Marketing is a complex discipline that treasures experience, values the response of your audience and integrates this information with data, numbers, estimates and projections. Today, in fact, a dedicated study is needed because the relationship between authors, scenarios and the market is increasingly complex..
which provides analysis, data, numbers and market estimates to enable you to make the most suitable choices for your prospects of success.
which defines the medium- to long-term guidelines for effective results.
which determines tactical actions and short-term solutions.
Contattataci se sei un autorə che intende far fruttare la sua passione e diventare un professionista serio con una visione moderna.
Ci occupiamo di:
Social media managment
Support and strategy of social channels and data monitoring.
Adv in various channels
Sponsorships and marketing campaigns to increase sales and visibility.
Self publishing and Marketplace
Support and assistance in self-publishing on Amazon, Google Play and Apple Store.
Book influencers and press offices
At our service and in support of your publishing project in national print runs.
Marketing for publishers
There is an important fact from which to focus the attention of those who read us. Italian publishing often struggles to keep up with the timeshas always favoured the trade fair, the presentation, the word of mouth of booksellers and readers, and only recently some social media as means of propaganda. Marketing seen in its dynamism, in its multiplicity of aspects (analytical, strategic and operational) still seems alien to this reality, at least within small independent publishing houses. Often, communication is entrusted to someone who struggles between his responsibilities and the spheres of action of the sales department and tries to do his best by jumping between issues, often organising the press office and fighting to win the pages of newspapers or the attention of a youtuber or a blog/website.
Internet and social have disrupted the way of approaching the reader, and thanks to the advent of the ebook there has been a slow but progressive change. All publishing houses use (some more, some less) social, we have witnessed the proliferation of websites, which are often not even indexed, but we have become aware of the now indispensable importance of online stores such as: Amazon, Kobo, Ibs and the like, which if well harmonised, can create a major breakthrough for your business as an editor.
How to deal with these giants?
Last but not least, anche quando è stata impiantata a marketing strategy with SEO optimisationkeyword usage was learnt, strategies for studying searches were refined, the advent of Google and its increasingly unpredictable algorithms led to disappointing results, where an expert in the field was not used.
Prova a immaginare per un attimo di avere a disposizione una risorsa in più in casa editrice o nella tua agenzia, an editorial marketing team completely at your service; many experts in each technical field who listen to you and study the situation from various aspects.. Needless to reiterate the notion that improvisation is in no way conceivable in this scenario, every aspect must be the result of calculation and careful long-range assessment.
Publishing and marketing
Today, dedicated marketing is needed because the relationship between publishers, scenarios and the market is increasingly complex. Marketing first listens: The company of which it is a part, the different offices, the people who work there every day, but also all the actors in the chain, external collaborators, suppliers, distributors, bookshops, customers and readers.
Marketing focuses on strengths,the uniqueness, the identity of the brand, the series or the individual book and tries to put it in the right light, to make it known, to tell why it fulfils expectations and desires.
Cosa possiamo fare per te?
- Balancing Publishing House Releasesvalue in terms of potential earnings, in essence translating books and their print runs into numbers and more specifically into costs and revenues:
– Creating the strategy o search for the right product based on market research analyses
– Analysing the situation and company performance, define questions on the basis of this data and above all provide answers
- Developing a effective and beneficial communication
– Finding new resources to monetise and boost the development of the publishing house with unconventional solutions.
Marketing treasures experience, values the response of your audience, but complements this information with data, numbers, estimates, projections.
At this point, ask yourself these questions:
Are you ready for more marketing in your publishing house? dare più spazio al marketing nella tua casa editrice?
Ad accelerare la digital transformation of your enterprise?
Contattaci per strutturare insieme il progetto di matketing più idoneo alle tue esigenze.
Dopo aver compilato il modulo, verrai contattatə entro 48 ore, sia tramite mail che tramite Whatsapp, quindi ci occorrono i tuoi dati corretti, controlla di aver ricevuto la nostra risposta tramite mail e che la stessa non sia finita negli spam!
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