The editorial graphics is the set of actionsvisual impact tools, which support the creation of a layout, allowing a book to be appreciated for its aesthetic form as well as its content.
The arrangement of the text in space is not left to chance, it must respond to basic rules: it must be readable, clear and have an effective and original imprint. A well thought-out graphic design is remembered, remains imprinted in the reader's mind and facilitates comprehension.
It is not easy to harmoniously combine textual content and images in editorial graphics, il rischio di un sovraccarico è alto. Accostare in modo corretto colori e forme, dosare gli spazi bianchi e scegliere le immagini o le foto utili al veicolare il messaggio che si vuole dare è spesso frutto di buon gusto ed esperienza.
Ogni dettaglio aiuta a trasmettere le giuste emozioni ai lettori e ogni singola scelta richiede uno studio analitico, competenza e un certo equilibrio. Non tutti gli autori ne sono al corrente, written the book, often everything else is taken for granted, It is equally true that not all writers or publishers are able to recognise, let alone turn to a true professional.
A unique publishing project
Each publication has particular communication needs and is aimed at a specific audience: it is therefore essential to study the market and define the marketing style and footprint of the publication. The work of our graphic design studio is painstaking, it presupposes an in-depth analysis, of the author of the text and the target audience for which the project is intended, and thus of the aspirations/habits of its potential users.
The aim is to build a 360° visual project. gradi So we are not just talking about the graphics of a book, but helping you to know the secrets and details of your product, convey a coherent and effective message to readers and give them an evocative image of your work and atmospheres in line with the world you have imagined.
Dopo aver compilato il modulo, verrai contattatə entro 48 ore, sia tramite mail che tramite Whatsapp, quindi ci occorrono i tuoi dati corretti, controlla di aver ricevuto la nostra risposta tramite mail e che la stessa non sia finita negli spam!
Strutturare il moodboard del tuo libro, con with high-tech tools,, significa progettare l’esperienza di grafica editoriale migliore che il mercato possa offrire. Lo scopo del nostro servizio è senza dubbio quello di producing a high quality product that will never go out of fashion e questo richiede da parte tua una visione strategica, talento e un magari piccolo sforzo che ti porrà sotto l’attenzione di tutti.
But you know that every investment in your projects is a great opportunity for your future as a professional!
- Book cover
- Editorial layout
- Bookmark
- Interactive ticket
- Brochure
- E-book
- Manual
- Catalogue
- Enanched ebook
- Teaser
© 2024 – OTHER SOULS è un marchio di Other Souls Srl. – C.F./P.IVA: 03262320736
Phone / Whatsapp: +393297561523